First Families of the Swan River Colony - Colour Sgt Edward and Jane Barron

Edward Barron, Colour Sergeant of the 63rd Regiment with his wife Jane and 3 children arrived per the HMS Sulphur on 8 June 1829. According to family story Jane was so pregnant with her 4th child that she had to be lowered over the side in a basket. However, there is no official documentation to prove the birth of Edward George on this date. The following advertisement appeared in the 1833 Perth Gazette Western Australian Journal. 'Jane Barron respectfully intimidates that having renewed her licence she has opened her house at No 1 Murray Street as the 'Wheat Sheaf Tavern', whereby assiduous attention to the comfort of her guests and the quality of the liquors she hopes for continuance of the patronage with which she has been hitherto favoured. JB continues her bakery having made arrangements for a regular supply of flour she has commenced baking and will at all times make it her study to supply her customers with the best bread on the most reasonable terms. In 1834 Sergeant Barron was riding with Private Nesbit along the Murray River when they were attacked by aborigines. Edward was speared twice and survived. Private Nesbit was killed. This incident was one of several which may have led to the 'Battle of Pinjarra'. They raised 11 children in the Colony, with four of their sons becoming Police Officers. Edward Barron died on 23 January 1863 and was buried in the East Perth Cemetery.
Jane Barron died 23 February 1878 at Perth and was also buried in the East Perth Cemetery.